Student Achievements in Management Fests
Students Presentations
Gurucharan Raghunathan and Arvindh Kumar presented a research paper in MARKET, Marketing conclave on “Political Branding- Indian Angle” held at Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Chennai.
Mazid Ali Khan presented at the National Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in the Management Education in India: A Critical Review, at Pune, Maharashtra during 17th – 19th February, 2012 on the focal theme “Teaching Methodology: An impact on Management education”, organized by The Matrix Educational Foundation’s, Matrix Business School.
Shireen Khan presented at the National Conference on Challenges and Opportunities before the Management Education in India: A Critical Review, at Pune, Maharashtra during 17th – 19th February, 2012 on the focal theme “A Critical Analysis of Co –Curricular and Extra Curricular activities and its impact on management education”, organized by The Matrix Educational Foundation’s, Matrix Business School.
Indresh Vikram Singh presented at the International Conference on Marketing practices in small businesses: Concentration on cottage industry at Pune, Maharashtra during 4th-6th October, 2012 on the focal theme “Inclusive and Sustainable Growth (Role of Industries, Governments and Civil Society)” organized by The BAIF Development Research Foundation and Institute of Management Technology (IMT) at BAIF Campus.
Gurucharan Raghunathan and Manali Sarkar presented a research paper at the National conference (MARCON) on Impacts of FDI in Retail Merchandising at Tiruchirapalli, on 20th February, 2013 on the focal theme “Recent Trends In Marketing” organized by the Department of Marketing, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. The paper has been published in the MARCON book of NIT named “Marketing Dynamics”.